Ending the Year Strong
Did you make New Year’s resolutions at the beginning of 2019?
How’s that going for you?
Yeah, same here.
This year has been a tough one for me. I set out to finish a manuscript that I had started back in October of last year and had somehow convinced myself that I would have the whole project wrapped up and published by this summer. Obviously, I’m a first-time author and those of you that are more experienced with this process are shaking your head and smiling at my naivety. BUT…she is finally going off to the editor in two weeks!
Margaret Mitchell took ten years to write Gone with the Wind, so there you go…
Losing Focus
We sold our old house and moved into a new one in May and life hasn’t seemed to slow down since then with our daughter, Sara, going to Honduras on a missions trip, visiting family, and Andy and I exploring Caribbean islands. Why do I let myself get so busy? (I write more about this in my blog post I Have So Much To Do!)
Needless to say, I haven’t had much time to focus on self-care or getting the living room painted as I’d planned.
Getting Back on Track
A few weeks ago, a coworker handed me a poster. The title at the top read “Five to Thrive” and below it was a list of five areas to focus on to make our lives better. We often hang up motivational quotes in our room so I figured I would add it to our collection later and left it on my desk.
The next morning, I read the first of the five suggestions:
Get up an hour earlier than you normally do…
Wait…what is this poster about again?
I asked my coworker later. She told me it was part of the #LAST90DAYS movement created by the author of Girl, Stop Apologizing, Rachel Hollis. The idea is, for the last ninety days of the year, starting on October 1st, you would focus on these five areas and journal about your successes and future dreams every day until the end of the year–ending the year strong.
Ending the Year Strong
Seeing that I had minimal success with starting the year strong, I could at least finish the year that way.
I’m one of those people that has more success when I follow a plan, keep detailed lists, and see things in writing.
So…I bought the journal (which is not required but I’m a helpless journalholic by nature). Guess what my coworker and I are starting on October 1st?
The fourth item listed on the “Five to Thrive” list is to give up one food category that you know you shouldn’t be eating. Ha! You should see my list so far (no…you shouldn’t). Suffice to say, I will have to write them down on little papers and just draw one out of a hat.
Back to the “get up an hour earlier” thing. That would be 4:00 a.m. for me and I can’t function on less than seven hours a night. Do the math. I doubt I could make myself go to sleep at 9:00 p.m. every night. Just saying. I’ll have to revisit that one…
Happy Almost-October!
(By the way, Pumpkin Spice lattes from Starbucks are NOT on my list of things to give up. Just thought I’d mention that.)
Want to know more about the #LAST90DAYS? Click HERE.
*I do not receive any benefit from promoting this movement or any of the Hollis Co. products. I’m just sharing my own story. 🙂