Grocery Shopping With Andy
The grocery shopping scenario rarely varies. It takes us three minutes just to get past the entryway of the store because I do a wheel check on the numerous handicap carts to find one that doesn’t squeak, wobble, or veer off to the left when I let go of the handle. Then, my husband, Andy, insists we sterilize the handle with one of those free wipes on display by the doors. Ok, I think we’re ready to go. I am the official “keeper of the list”. I pluck the list out of my purse and snap it open like a soldier reading orders for his next assignment. Andy, Mr. No-Nonsense,…
Feel the Fear (…but Do It Anyway)
I recently played the piano for a Sunday morning service at my church because all our pianists were on a youth trip to Washington State. It’s not like they forced me to do it – I volunteered. By the next day, I questioned my sanity, “What was I THINKING?!” Did I mention that I am NOT a piano player? That I know about as many basic piano chords as a kindergartner by her third piano lesson? I guess I was considering how awkward it can be to sing acapella and that a little piano accompaniment might keep the congregation singing in the same key at least. Challenging myself to step…
‘Is the Coffee Pot On?”
Remember the old Folger’s Coffee slogan, “The best part of waking up is Folgers in your cup”? I hate Folgers Coffee… BUT – if it was the last coffee on earth, I would be tipping the carafe because this girl has to have her coffee. Daily. No exceptions. Go with me on this for a minute. Think about most of the offices you walk into in America. Tell me you won’t spot a coffee pot within the first five minutes. I was in a Chase Bank branch the other day making a deposit and they had a coffee station set up for customers. Really? I don’t know about you, but…
What Makes Up a Tribe?
“Dude, you smacked me right in the face!”, Brandon bellows at Austin as they mimicked dancing to banjo and fiddle music all over the living room. Arms were flailing in the air and legs were kicking dangerously near the heads of those seated nearby. In between hysterical laughter, I twinged inside – waiting for a lamp or someone’s limb to break. Naturally, we continued to cheer them on and the two of them didn’t disappoint their audience. That’s when Austin’s free-swinging, happy arm backhanded Brandon right in the face. We tried to act concerned – honest – but it was too stinkin’ funny not to give in to hysterics. By…